September 2, 2024

Introduction to Criminal History Checks

In Connecticut, a criminal history check can be really important for a lot of different things. Employers use them to evaluate potential new hires, landlords use them to screen tenants, they’re a necessary part of getting certain licenses, and more. Whatever the reason, these checks give you important information about someone’s past run-ins with the law. 

Still, you shouldn’t take them lightly. These background screenings can help you make informed decisions, but it’s important to understand their nuances to make sure you’re staying within the bounds of the state’s law. Read on for a comprehensive introduction to the concept of criminal history checks.

What are criminal records?

To put it simply, criminal records provide a documented history of someone’s interactions with law enforcement. These records cover a broad range of information, which can be used for many different purposes. Here’s what you should know:

  • Records included: Criminal records can consist of arrest records, court case details, convictions, incarceration history, and more. Depending on the jurisdiction, they can also include details about any ongoing investigations or pending cases.
  • Who needs them: There are many reasons why someone may need access to criminal records, from employers to landlords and legal professionals. For example, an employer may need to make sure a candidate is suitable for a position that involves trust or safety. A landlord might want to verify that a prospective tenant has no concerning history that could pose risks.
  • Access in Connecticut: Although you can access it legally, a lot of criminal record information isn’t readily available to the public or easy to get to. Some records, like juvenile cases or those sealed by the court, are even completely off-limits to the general public.

How to look up someone’s criminal record?

There are a few ways to find someone’s criminal record, but they’re not all equal. The best approach depends on what kind of information you need and how thorough you want to be. Let’s take a look at the options:

How to look up someone's criminal record

Searching public databases

One of the most common methods for looking up basic info about someone’s criminal background is using public databases and online searches. Government websites and online resources often provide limited access to certain types of criminal records for free or a small fee. 

These resources often cover:

  • Arrest records: Details of when and where someone was arrested.
  • Conviction records: Information about court verdicts, including guilty or not guilty outcomes.
  • Sex offender registries: Listings of individuals convicted of sex crimes, usually easily available to the general public.

Online searches are often a good place to start, but they have some drawbacks:

  • Incomplete information: Public databases often don’t include all records, so you may end up with a lot of gaps in data.
  • Outdated records: Updates to these databases can be delayed, which means that you could be reviewing outdated information.
  • Restricted access: Certain records are simply not available to the public, which makes it hard to get the complete picture.

Because of these limitations, a lot of people and businesses turn to professional investigators to access more comprehensive information.

Hiring private investigators

For those seeking more in-depth and reliable information, private investigations offer several advantages over public searches

Here’s what they offer:

  • Access to better databases: Private investigators have access to specialized databases that the general public typically doesn’t use. These databases are updated more often and have more detailed information.
  • Expert Interpretation: A professional investigator doesn’t just collect records, they also analyze and interpret the data.
  • Thorough searches: Professionals have the skills and tools for comprehensive searches that cover multiple jurisdictions. With them, you can rest assured that you’ve got all the information that you can legally have.

Private investigations give you a more complete picture, but there’s still a legal framework within which they have to operate. This means that there are limits on what criminal history information can be accessed and how the information can be used. 

  • Legal limits: Laws regulate who can access specific records and how they can be used. For instance, employers must comply with the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) when conducting background checks.
  • Ethical use: Criminal records have to be used responsibly. Misuse of information can result in legal issues, which further proves that it’s better to reach out to professionals for any deeper dives into this type of information.

A skilled private investigator will always make sure that all checks they perform stay within the legal boundaries and that any information they collect is used ethically and appropriately.

detailed criminal history check

Where in Connecticut can you go for a detailed criminal history check?

Ready to get all the facts? Blackledge Investigations is your go-to for criminal history checks and a full suite of private investigative services. Our professional team combines in-depth knowledge, access to essential databases, and legal expertise to deliver thorough and reliable results.

Background checks have limitations, but with us, you can rest assured that you’ve got every last piece of legally accessible information. From Hartford County to the farthest corners of Connecticut, we’re here for you across the state and nationwide. Take the first step towards clarity, reach out to our team today!

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