July 23, 2024
6 Methods Private Investigators Use in Criminal Defense
In the high-stakes realm of criminal defense, an investigative service in CT can bring a unique perspective. Private investigators bring their specialized methods to the case, and that makes them irreplaceable if you’re looking to build a robust defense strategy. But what kind of work do these professionals actually do? Continue reading to learn all about it!

How do private investigators gather evidence for criminal defense cases?
Searching for truth often often leads investigators down unexpected paths. A private investigator’s role in criminal defense is to help your legal team build a solid case. To do that, they have to be resourceful, meticulous in their work, and ready to adapt easily.
While the specific methods these experts use are as diverse as the cases they work with, some techniques are almost universal across all. Here are some of them:
1. Surveillance techniques
One of the primary methods PIs use in their work, surveillance is a multi-faceted tool for gathering critical evidence and uncovering the truth. Their access to specialized equipment and expertise with its use is actually the most common reason why people even hire PIs. These professionals use various traditional and modern methods, all while following laws that regulate surveillance, to discover the truth and capture evidence that can be used in court.
2. Witness interviews
Accurate and reliable witness statements can outbalance the prosecution’s case, and it’s often PIs who bring them to the world criminal defense. They meticulously locate and interview individuals who can give relevant statements, whether they’ve seen the event or have other crucial information. These experts use structured questioning to confirm alibis, clarify timelines, or provide alternative perspectives of the incident in question.
3. Searching the records
Private investigators search through records to find the truth they’re looking for, some publicly available but complex, others inaccessible otherwise. They’ll thoroughly examine court documents, property records, financial records, and other available information relevant to the case. This may include identifying past legal disputes, discovering hidden assets, or finding information that can verify alibis or challenge the prosecution’s narrative.
4. Expert consultations
To smoothly navigate the complexities of a criminal defense case, private investigators often consult with experts from various other fields. These experts can be medical professionals, psychologists, forensic scientists, and other specialists, and they too can offer a unique perspective to your case. Credible insights that come from any of these fields can help validate findings, and these professionals can even give their own expert testimony in court.
5. Proper evidence handling
PIs use so many techniques to uncover the evidence, but they also understand how important it is to handle it properly. They don’t just look for facts, they follow established procedures to collect, document, and preserve evidence in a way that keeps their integrity and makes them valid to use in court. You can count on them to maintain a detailed chain of custody, use only secure methods for storage, and rely on digital forensics to protect electronic data.
Which criminal defense investigative service is the go-to in CT?
At Blackledge Investigations, we understand the complexities and high stakes of criminal defense cases. Our seasoned team of professionals have honed their skills over decades and have helped countless cases in Hartford, throughout Connecticut, and nationwide.
We offer a comprehensive suite of services tailored to each unique case, and you can count on us to be fully dedicated to finding the truth and protecting the rights of the accused. You don’t have to navigate this situation alone. Contact us today!
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